When used with proper guidance and training, artificial intelligence presents opportunities for business owners and their employees. But providing guidelines for your employees in a company policy is essential in protecting your business against risks associated with AI.

As you develop your organization’s AI policy, consider these tips:

Create an AI task force. Crafting a company policy requires a thorough understanding of how AI will be utilized across departments. By creating a task force with representatives from HR, IT, Legal and other departments, you can ensure that the policy is thorough and addresses the needs of all users.

Write the policy, then update, update, update. When HR teams initially established social media policies, they were all-encompassing because we knew so little about the platforms and their impact. As HR teams learned more, the policies were revised. Expect the same with AI. Plan to reevaluate your policy on an annual basis so it’s up-to-date based on how AI is changing, how its risks have evolved, and how your company is using the technology.

Outline responsible use. Will you allow employees to use AI internally only, or can they generate customer-facing content? Which roles may use the technology? What are the consequences if it’s used incorrectly? Consider what responsible use looks like in your organization and define it in your policy.

Ensure the policy is compliant with existing security policies. And vice versa. Review policies where there may be overlap and ensure the policies are consistent and up to date.

Define which AI tools can be used. Are employees permitted to use free generative AI tools or should they use a mandated platform or service provided by the company?

Require employee acknowledgment. Once the policy is finalized, require employees to acknowledge they have read and understand it.

Provide training and communicate expectations regularly. As with cybersecurity measures in the workplace, it’s easy for employees to forget best practices weeks or months after reviewing a policy. So, it’s a good idea to provide training regularly and encourage managers to communicate often about AI expectations and discuss concerns and issues with their teams. Frequent communication will keep AI best practices top of mind, and the feedback your managers collect can help you revise your policy annually.
How G&A Can Help
G&A Partners offers access to HR experts with years of experience helping businesses develop their employees, improve their workplace cultures, implement new HR processes and procedures, and more. Schedule a consultation with one of our trusted business advisors to learn more.