How partnering with G&A can boost your income and add value to your service.

Offer more to your clients.

G&A collaborates with independent agents and brokers like you to provide your clients with affordable workers’ compensation insurance coverage. We also provide comprehensive HR and administrative services that allow your clients to focus on their core business.

Earn more.

By partnering with G&A, you gain access to new revenue streams by earning PEO referral commissions. This applies to both new business and your existing book of business.

Protect your business.

We believe in the value you provide your clients. That’s why we work with you. By doing so, we help you protect your current book of business from predatory brokers and PEOs. And we’ll never poach the clients you refer to us. It’s in the contract.


G&A offers PEO and HR services around the client-sponsored workers’ comp plan provided by you.