PEO Insider: HR's role in PEO and Client Business Agility
NAPEO recently published an article by G&A Partners Senior HR Advisor Rob Cannon that discussed "HR's role in PEO and Client Business Agility." In the article, Cannon dives into the "new normal" business owners will likely experience as more people become vaccinated and are more willing to resume their pre-pandemic lifestyles and activities such as shopping, dining out, and seeking entertainment outside their homes.
"The COVID pandemic has been challenging for everyone," Cannon writes. "Many companies with solid business continuity plans (BCPs) were able to adapt quickly and almost seamlessly to the changes that became necessary. While some that didn’t have BCPs were still able to launch new and innovative ways to operate, others were forced into layoffs and had to take a crash course in furloughs.
"Human nature has some business leaders earnestly striving to settle into a new normal right now. We want that comfort zone, that feeling that we’ve got everything figured out and under control. Just beware: In the context of workplace operations, the idea of the new normal can be detrimental if taken to the extreme of complacency.
"More change is coming, and the most successful leaders have known—well before 2020—what the rest of the business world is now being compelled to accept: Businesses must remain agile."
Read the full article in NAPEO's PEO Insider Issue to find out what strategic measures Cannon says HR must take to lead the charge in change management as businesses emerge from the pandemic.
"This is a wakeup call and the perfect opportunity to identify processes, systems, and policies that are antiquated, unscalable, or otherwise in need of being overhauled," Cannon says.