Webinar Recap: Creating A Comprehensive Wellness Strategy
Why your wellness program should go beyond just physical wellness
Learn the value of having a comprehensive wellness strategy can offer your organization.
Corporate wellness programs are nothing new. Traditional programs designed to help employees maintain their physical health and prevent illness by providing education, fitness regimes and regular health screenings to ensure early detection of problems have been around for a while now. More recent, however, is the push to think beyond just physical wellness, and design wellness programs that target every aspect of wellness: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, financial, intellectual, occupational, environmental.
Highlights of the presentation:
- What a comprehensive wellness strategy looks like;
- Why a comprehensive wellness strategy is more effective than one that just focuses onphysical health; and
- Tips for how to address each facet of wellness (physical, mental, social and emotional)in the workplace.
Presented by Olivia Curtis, G&A Partners own wellness specialist, this webinar not only covers trends and insights, but also features real-world tips and strategies that she has used to manage the award-winning EVOLVE wellness program.